Utah State House of Representatives
Dist. # 19 (South Davis County)
L. Rodgers:
Encouraged to run for State House in the Nov. 2006 Elections
by friends, our party chair and other party members; also by fellow Legislators,
current and retired, who, as they claim, observed my fearless fidelity
of performance in expert and citizen testimony in legislative committee
meetings -- and were impressed by my face to face Legislator
interactions, informings, doing diligence and providing discovery in many
issues including Family and Individual Rights as I plead for integrity,
reason and only Constitutional legislation in all their actions!
So motivated by these good friends and driven by my love for my own family
and yours, my Community, my State, and my Nation of precious individuals,
thoughtfully I accepted the Party's and my friends recomendations, so have
filed, and am declared as candidate for:
Utah State House of Representatives seat # 19 (South Davis County).
See Constitution Party of Utah:
Member of human race! A Caring heart!
In past, struggling student and fellow in Human and Animal Physiology,
Biology, Medical and Natural Sciences, LDS Mission (photo at right), then
pursued EE (Sperry Rand Corp. Montec-Memcor) and business, Military
leadership, ATT (Bell Labs/Western Electric), labored in quality control
and taught industrial electronics, then as struggling entrepreneur (private
businessman) and "Perpetual Student", as a full and part time Educator,
Farmer, Biological researcher and specialist, dedicated husband, father
and foster father (now Grandfather and Foster Grandfather).
Accomplishments: Life of service (Church, Honored Military-twice,
Community), broad biological, physical, electrical, mechanical studies,
experience and labor, business, corporate and self-employment and all with
hard work and independence. (My IQ was in top 1 percentile and is again
even restored back to it 15 years after 4 "lethal" Strokes! -- But I never
can be quite as smart as my know! -- However I am a little
suspicious of her intelligence, because she did say "yes" to me over 35
years ago, and she has stuck with me this long and somehow still not realized
her mistake! -- isn't that dumb? -- or is it because of her compassion
for the needy and desperately homely?!! Which ever it is, I am grateful
that she has not caught on to her error, yet!)
I did survive my "Fatal" Cancer, four strokes,
heart disease & human "stupidity"!
However, I did not survive the financial ravages of it all! -- and
my wife and family (including our dear foster children) lovingly sacrificed
and suffered all my loses and the lasting poverty through it with me! We
are all humbled and wiser because of it!
Happily, I was recently graciously Honored
By The American Cancer Society's Utah Chapter, by Salt Lake City's Mayor,
Rocky Anderson, and our Gorgeous Utah Beauty Queens, at the Utah Chapter's
June 24th, 2005 "Relay For Life" Celebration!
Though my "diagnosed as Fatal" Cancer and its associated illness left
me ruined and penniless; desperate to survive for my wife, children and
foster Children, it forced me back to intelligent choice. I therein reviewed
my own long held science and biological education, reason and experience.
Finally changing my ways and complying with my own already imbedded knowledge,
am not dead -- as I should have been -- nor am I dying! I am now much more
clear headed, and do accept
my own self-responsibility, and
am much wiser for it! -- Now I teach
(those who want to hear) and personally lobby for truth! --and
for our Whole Physical, Spiritual and National Constitution!
want a World left worthy of my children,
my grandchildren and yours!
(click photo and links for more family photos)
And for them to have their rights of sovereignty, self government,
individual choice, success and freedom!
I also want a World left worthy of you, your children and my caring
friends -- even for my "Famous
caring Friends" who are also concerned about it too! Also "more
of my Famous teachable students and caring Friends" and oldest and
wiser media and movie Friends! as well
as my National and local (of my Faith) "Friends
of Truth", and "My students and Friends of
film with my youngest son Dan (now serving his Mission in Paraguay)
I also want a world worthy of my loving, tolerant and supportive wife,
Betty! (and for the creatures she also loves, about her). (photo as
I returned to her from teaching in warm and comfortable LA)
Thomas Rodgers
PO Box 304 Bountiful Utah 84011-0304
Telephone 801-298-9095
My currently first most
pressing, concerning issue (among many others listed
-- but obviously NOT one for our local incumbents
and their too many other self-benefiting bureaucrats and
their soliciting agencies, including medicine, psychiatry, "State" education,
lawyers, judges, the courts and benefiting businesses,
is True Family Rights,
Children's Rights, and True Child "Protection!"
Bought to surface through my full involvement in the Thaxton-Christiansen
case, by doing diligence and discovery (and with some contact with
Darren and Barbara Jensen in their somewhat similar medical choice case
with their son, Parker Jensen), this State's encroachment into the home
(medicine, education) and family has been exposed as clearly a serious
problem and is now my concern and painful labor to correct! I have since
been approached and involved in dozens of Families violations by the State,
including many outside Utah -- but exampling our State's problem. We are
under the same immoral mercenary opportunistic acts within our State as
is happening to a precious (Jewish) family who found me and ask to help
in Illinois: See my efforts for them in
It is also here and is facilitated in the press through public education
Psychological Screening called TeenScreen! See my resource and reference
list at
Listen, Learn and Participate on our efforts on
--- Exonerating, restoring and then completely leaving alone the
wrongly accused innocent! --
While still helping families that truly are troubled,
through compassionate community help (preferably family and Church Based)
and morally correct Child Protective services, if and where truly needed,
while, as best possible by keeping the family
and its bonding intact -- as I did work to do with my LDS Church
foster children -- instead of destroying the individual children,
the adults and their natural bonding. We can no longer tolerate the profit
driven, heartless and cavalier DCFS, Medical, Psychiatric and Pharmaceutical
Industry collusion with Utah's Lawyers, Courts and the AG to do their damage
like that which was viciously done to the Rodreguez Family (which
to this day has never been repaired by so called family Law defense!)
-- and as was almost done to the Parker Jensen family (but stopped
thanks to Family's unwillingness to consent to the Medical and State's
error and ignorance: and supported in your public outcry), but is still
being done to the Thaxton-Christiansen family (though - only with
the media's help - they have their infant back; but only tenuously and
temporary! See their awful atrocity of a Service
Plan on and
its threat) and hundreds of helpless unheard others, also ruined!
The State must do true diligence and real discovery
itself and also be willing to accept, discuss and make admissions and
judgments based on all findings solely and independently discovered
Second and third evidence and opinion options, Not cloaked within
courtroom closure and State prejudiced and protected prosecution!
The State must give back Honest Medical choice! Second and
third opinion options, Not Courtroom and State protected (IHC
or PCMC) Doctor's dictatorships!
The State must give back the children, and restore to whole,
those innocent families they have wrongly accused, dismembered and ruined!
and the State with all her prosecuting solicitors (Social Services, Medicine,
Psychiatry, Education and Family Practice Law) must all stop hiding or
lying to justify their breaches of performance, breaches of Law and breaches
of our individual and public trust.
This Thaxton-Christiansen Family case, linked in panel below,
is a landmark of bungling and the mark of a "Child and Family Protective
System" gone absolutely ignorant, heartless, arrogant, abstinent and dangerously
out of control; "not giving a damn" about the truth based good, physical
safety and emotional security of child (and/or siblings)! -- and it has
chosen to become unable to correct itself!
This is because the seizure & extraction of
children is now a money motivated Federal and State funded,
very lucrative, DCFS, with accomplice Medicine, Psychiatry
and Family Law (in endless DCFS Dependency and
Service Plan processing - instead of true family and child defense),
with all of them simply milking the family and society's (our taxes and
resources) cash cow!
This Thaxton-Christiansen case also demonstrates
an ignorance,
hate and
driven, flawed, -- pathetically self protected -- skewed State and industry
colluded medicine, psychiatry and law and their inept diagnosis, now is
being masked under the perpetual prescriptions of PCMC/Clinic 6 (as court
ordered and protected provider only) with forced injections and medications
in truth-obliterating alchemy, psychiatry, and in illness-continuing pathogenic
"Mad Cow" pediatric nutrition!
The Kauffman Case demonstrates the immoral collusion of duped
Public Education now being used by Psychiatry, Pharmacy, Medicine, Child
Placement Contractors, GAL's, Lawyers, Judges and the AG to tap Federal
and State public coffers and and the violated family for perpetual profit
-- with no regard for the family, child or the truth!
Babies Wrongfully Taken
From Parents!
Your wisdom, influence &
effort is needed!
Now even, Health Conscious,
Pareve, Vegetarian / Vegan, Integrative Medicine, Home Educated Children
and their Families' Choices & Unity
- are all put at Risk
by adversarial family,
neighbors or friends, erred Medicine, Child Protective Services, and the
States Legal System!
and Honored LDS, Healthy Vegetarian-Lifestyle choosing Family verses
Utah State Child Protective Services, the Medical Establishment, incompetence
and the Law.
enough flesh! - And breathing furnace fumes is OK!
per DCFS, AG, PCMC (IHC), Lawyers and the Judges! |
Faces of Pain!!!
Teen Screen "Holocaust"
in Chicago, Illinois,
This is a loving (Jewish)
Mother's fight to save her own flesh and blood, from the molestation, abuse
& drugging of her small daughters by
State (in the U.S.A.?) Gone Mad with Medical Mind Control of Children!
It was discovered
that this child was in emergency with a drug overdose 2 Sept 05!!! Again
in Feb 06, Again after another Run-A-Way for 7 hours Mar 20, now strapped
in Psych ward.
How could
that happen??? Her baby sister Eifrat has been in Psych ER again, 40 days!
Does Nazi Germany's Dr Mengele still
Live? in Illinois DCFS?
Listen to
Other important issues;
(more to be indicated here as writing time permits)
* Educational Choice. See friendly resource site
of ChoiceInEducationPAC .com
* Medical choice. see
where courts violate choice, to protect corporate medicine.
* Lost Personal and Property Rights. Property seizures without
due process (protecting innocent) must be reversed.
* No Forced Community Fluoridation:
See my efforts protect humans, animals and environment from Hydrofluosalicic
Acid industrial waste being added to our water:
(including KickEmInThe(HydroFluosilicic),
Cows, Horses, Pets, Birds, Fish, Plants, etc)
* Return Justice and Honest Law to Courts.
And get Politics out of the Courtroom and the reverse.
* The Constitution: Every
Our Constitution and the Bill of Rights is my stand!-
Surprise! I've even read it!
* See some of my efforts and my support of other's efforts to
defend the Constitution, human reason, individual responsibility and rights
in the last two legislative sessions
Toxicity in Livestock
Poultry! Pigs! Sheep! All Livestock!
Nat'l Academy of Science
- Fluoridation and the Fluoridator's effect upon Livestock!
I have a library of research papers from
my past and am trying to make then viewable for you
Dept of Agri. / Dept of Health Welfare
-- More toxicity studies in Animals will be up later today
Interview of Old Farmer,
natural animal biologist & Candidate for Utah State House Dist 19,
Rodgers, on Fluoridation
of Davis County and anywhere!
Jean Show, KTKK 630 AM Radio 12 - 2 pm
Please Tune in and Listen! - Also Notify all Neighbors
and Friends! - Especially our precious Community Farmers, Horse &
Pet Owners and Home Gardeners - whose investments and survivals are
at Risk as they are forced to use any Fluoridated
culinary water for their animals
and soils!
Monica , Utah,
County, Animal
Challenges, Soil Organisms,
fun poke at under-educated "Pros": Jackasses,
My accessibility for you is easy, personally call me, mail
(see above) or email
me here.
And see me in Public Events:
as participant, for debates, lecturer,
or special educational guest.
Meet me, the Candidate!
(Combined class agenda open for other issues discussion if wished.)
Bountiful Library, Meeting First Tuesday of each month
(and every first tuesday of each month that I am at home.)
7pm - 8:30pm, 750 So Main, Bountiful
Basement Meeting room area. I will be in the
room before 630 pm so you can visit early if you like!
Or call 298-9095 -- I will make effort to meet you or your group of
friends personally!
As is humanly possible, I will be at most local
Community, Political and Party Events,
- including many other additional unique community gatherings
for any other purposes.
year ago, the Deseret News took this Photo at right, and published
Thursday March 18 2004, in their Morning Edition. It was taken moments
before 5pm, March 17 at the Utah State Capitol Election's Office as I,
(Tom Rodgers, standing center) helped my friend, Joshua
Bennett (sitting, and signing) to also sign up late in the final
day just in the last minutes before the filing deadline for the 2004 election.
I likewise convinced him to run again this year as Constitutional Candidate
for Utah State Senate District 21,
Bringing government back to us, as "we the people",
and restoring it to be within the correct bounds laid out in the inspired
efforts of our founding fathers, in the Constitution and the Bill
of Rights, is my goal, and the goal of my friends and this
Our concerns and efforts are focused in the labor to restore then
protect simple "righteous" government, through men and women of integrity,
charity and unselfish sacrifice, to guarantee sovereignty, liberty, opportunities
for success, happiness, health, and the social and political well-being
of our children, grandchildren and beyond!
Please make any modest campaign donations to: Tom
Rodgers for Senator, PO Box 304, Bountiful Utah, 84011-0304
Davis County
Constitution Party Caucus Meetings
Caucuses list as per Jorgina H. (given to Tom R Sun Eve 19 Mar 06)
(I added some drive-to instructions for named or "broken" streets.
T R)
All Syracuse Precincts
Bloomquists 773-9514
1953 W 2100S S Syracuse
All West Point Precincts WP 1-6
Vanderplas 779-2305
165 North 3000 West West Point
Precincts FH 1-4, KA 2, 7, 9
McBrides 589-7009
1062 E Homestead Ln (150 N), Fruit Heights
Precincts KA 5, 10, 11,12, 13, 17, 18, 19
McClures 544-5952
Kaysville Library, 44N Main, Kaysville
Precincts All Layton
Fluckigers 544-4056
1799 N Hwy 89 Layton
Precincts KA 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 14-16
Hansen 544-2744
380 E Oak Lane (350 N) Kaysville
Precincts BO 1-15
Whites 292-7760
84 N 1050 E Bountiful
Precincts BO 16-25
Faber 292-3370
1030 E Woodmoor Dr (800 S) Bountiful
(Enter Woodmoor [eastward] from Davis Blvd)
Precincts BO 27-36
Hancocks 298-0430
168 E 2450 S Bountiful
(enter 150 E from 2200 S , then turn east on 2450)
Precincts NSL 1-9, BO 37-40
Moutries 298-0700
599 E Eastpointe Cir. North Salt Lake
(Enter 3100 S from Hwy 89, then turn north
on Eastpoint Dr [750 W] to Eastpoint Cir [2970 S])
Other areas of Davis County not listed
are invited to closest Caucus listed.
Calendar - to Caucus Mtgs for whole State
Candidates (Public Meetings) . Meet
Me . My Issues . Constitution
Party Utah . Constitution
Party (National)
Interview of Old Farmer,
natural animal biologist & Candidate for Utah State House Dist 19,
Rodgers, on Fluoridation
of Davis County and anywhere!
Jean Show, KTKK 630 AM Radio 12 - 2 pm
Please Tune in and Listen! - Also Notify all Neighbors
and Friends! - Especially our precious Community Farmers, Horse &
Pet Owners and Home Gardeners - whose investments and survivals are
at Risk as they are forced to use any Fluoridated
culinary water for their animals
and soils!
Monica , Utah,
County, Animal
Challenges, Soil Organisms,
fun poke at under-educated "Pros": Jackasses,
difficulty experienced !!! Please help if you can!
Sat Mar 19 2005 at the Salt Lake Public
Library (4th South 2nd East) at approx. 1pm on the 3rd floor from computer
position #15 I had the theft of my:
black valise (black vinyl carrying case with handles - open top accordion
type with soft zipper closer) containing;
Most critical to my financial loss and identity theft: an old maroon check
book size wallet with my:
Fargo Bank check card #4919-9279-7901-1802 & checks numbers
1891-1921, acct # 1660002781 for:
International -Thomas Lynn Rodgers, POBox 304 Bountiful Utah, ph 298-9095
Drivers License #95xx120, other important personal cards, photos and
in the carrying case was:
vinyl three ring binder with the photos and papers.
small ring bound note book with daily notes related, providing proofs of
this families innocence
blue/green Photo folder with about 20 photos of my film friends with my
son and others with me.
University and Gov'nt research papers on fluoride poisoning with animals
Two check card purchases ($8.10 & $12.44) did occur
quickly after the theft (approx. 1pm Sat 19 Mar) at the Seven-Eleven Store
4th S 3rd E across from library. He/She who took them may try to pass my
LifeSave International / Thomas Lynn Rodgers, checks and use my drivers
license as ID as well. Please carefully observe, photo ID, (call police
and/or me) if you know anything.
hope is that my black valise with my photos, the binder with family exonerating
medical and legal papers, little note book, my animal fluoride research
papers, and other personal papers were left in the library or somewhere
close by as the person taking it probably would have dumped .
you find any of these items please call me (801)-298-9095, (you can remain
anonymous using a pubic phone or drop a note at library desk if you choose.
I have very little but I could leave at least $20 somewhere for your kindness.)
innocence of an accused family and the peace of their little children and
my own 20 mouths of sacrifice for them are affected therein! I am not wealthy
-- just kind hearted -- and very poor because of it.
Please, you can anonymously
leave any located items at SL library Lost-and-Found, then contact me (or
SL Police 779-3000 if you prefer). Thank You. Thomas L Rodgers (801)-298-9095 |